Monday, March 31, 2014

Jack Wisdom, March 28-30

Jack prefers "hot" colors to cool, so generally he prefers red over blue. When faced with having a blue plate for dinner, he decided he was okay with that because blue is actually a hot color. When I asked him what his logic was for that, I was floored.

  1. Blue flames are hotter than red flames
  2. Blue stars are hotter than red stars
I have to admit, his logic is sound. Of course, he may just want to voice this opinion to physicists, not interior decorators.

A few days later, during breakfast, he turned to me and stated: "You know Mom, there can't be a bigger half".

Again, true.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What killed the dinosaurs, according to Jack

1. They didn't look before they crossed the street.
2. They texted while driving.
3. They looked into the sun.