Thursday, July 17, 2008


We took Jack for his two month (10 week) check-up and first round of vaccinations on Monday. He's slowed down his growing spurt; where once he was putting on close to a pound a week, he's now putting on about 8 ounces a week. Officially, he was 11 lbs., 8 oz., which puts him in the 50% for weight. Not bad for the little squib born under 6 lbs!!

We've decided break-up his vaccinations a bit from the standard schedule. A lot of these shots contain aluminum. Studies show high amounts of aluminum are bad, but no one knows how much Al get into the blood stream from these intra-muscular shots. Anyway. We were going to get DTaP and rotovirus, but we're not satisfied with why our peditrician's office uses the DTaP vaccine they do, so we decided to wait for some answers and put that one off until a 3 month visit. Instead he got HIB and Pc.

Poor little guy...shots hurt even when you know you're getting them. How rude to an unsuspecting infant!! But he weathered them fairly well; he was pretty grousy on Monday and Tuesday, but so far no noticeable side effects.