Monday, March 31, 2014

Jack Wisdom, March 28-30

Jack prefers "hot" colors to cool, so generally he prefers red over blue. When faced with having a blue plate for dinner, he decided he was okay with that because blue is actually a hot color. When I asked him what his logic was for that, I was floored.

  1. Blue flames are hotter than red flames
  2. Blue stars are hotter than red stars
I have to admit, his logic is sound. Of course, he may just want to voice this opinion to physicists, not interior decorators.

A few days later, during breakfast, he turned to me and stated: "You know Mom, there can't be a bigger half".

Again, true.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What killed the dinosaurs, according to Jack

1. They didn't look before they crossed the street.
2. They texted while driving.
3. They looked into the sun.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Jack playing solitaire chess

Caught Jack playing solitaire chess in the front window the other day, and managed to get a shot. Love this one.

February 2014 Update

Jack has recently discovered Minecraft (the computer game). In the last 5 days, it has completely taken over his brain and he is now constantly talking about it. Anna is desperately trying to figure out this new thing that he's talking about so that she can be a part of whatever it is he is doing. Poor girl, she had just gotten comfortable with all the Star Wars references. She still throws them out there to Jack, hoping to get him to talk about Star Wars. But nope, not happening.

This has been a crazy cold, snowy winter. Today was the first day that got above freezing in the last month, we've had the snowiest winter in recent memory, and that all translates to a lot of closed school days this winter. Heck, even EMU was closed twice!

I asked Anna what she wanted for breakfast the other day. She looked at me coyly and said, "ice cream". I had to laugh. I replied, "don't we all?!"

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Let it snow

We've gotten 7-8 inches of snow in the last 24 hours. Today Jack, Anna and I went out in the morning to frolic a bit and to create a snowman. Pretty dry snow, so it wasn't easy going. Later in the afternoon all 4 of us walked over to the sledding hill in Buhr Park and did a few runs down the hill. Jack just wants to eat the snow, the rest is secondary to him.

Christmas lights on the house look so pretty with all that fresh powdery snow! Glad it came over the weekend when we didn't have anywhere to go.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013's 2013

Well, maybe we'll try this again.

It's Dec. 11. Jack is in Kindergarten at Emerson School. He is in Sigrid Bower's class and is a "Sun" for rotation to specials. He has specials in science (they're doing magnetism right now), Spanish, gym, art and computers. He has started relying on phonics to spell words, and is reading at the 5th grade level.  He loves Lego, Star Wars, and computers. He also still likes figuring out how things work, and talks about being a biologist when he grows up.

Anna just started an young pre-school at EMU's Children's Institute 2 mornings a week. Not expecting much out of it at this stage; just a chance for her to spend some time with other kids. Since Jack started Kindergarten this year, it seemed she was missing that. Anna isn't reading yet, but she is getting better at counting objects and can spell her name. She wants to be a paleontologist when she grows up.

I'm a full professor, and currently avoiding grading!! :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Camping and on to Winnipeg

Jack went camping in Porcupine Wilderness State Park over the weekend, sleeping quite comfortably in a tent with Mom and Dad. Apart from a few bug bites due to a mosquito loose in the tent, he weathered the trip well, having fun in his bouncy seat in the campsite and even dipping his feet in Lake Michigan!

He entered his other native land on Aug. 4, though the date stamped in his passport is July 30...that tells you how often that stamp is used at the bustling Sprague crossing.

We're now settled in with Grandma in Winnipeg and enjoying the closeness of family.